Watch the KAUR Film…
Subtitles available in: Español, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ, हिन्दी, Deutsch, Português, 中文字幕, Suomi, English
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KAUR Video Downloads
If you prefer to download the video to your computer, ipad or tablet for offline watching we have made different quality options available for you. The downloads are available only for personal non commercial viewing. For other uses please contact us for permission. Please do not edit or distribute the videos without prior permission. Enjoy!
- Download 360p – file size 106MB – resolution: 640 x 360
- Download 480p – file size 189MB – resolution: 854 x 480
- Download HD 720p – file size 376MB – resolution: 1280 x 720 (best for: ipad, tablet, iphone, smartphone etc)
- Download HD 1080p – file size 746MB – resolution: 1920 x 1080 (best for: TV, computer, etc)
SikhNet is a non profit organization with a mission to educate and inspire. read more.
After watching the KAUR animation Padmani Kaur (age 7) shared with her father “I learned that girls can be strong and do anything! It was the best movie I have ever seen!”
“Young girls today need to know that women of strength, courage and power have always existed throughout history. That’s why we decided to make KAUR – not only to tell the story of Mai Bhago, but to remind every girl that she has the right to stand for what she believes in.”
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